CASELINER has been cooperating with the CREVENTIC promoter for many years. It is known for organizing the 24H SERIES, PROTOTYPE CUP GERMANY and especially the latest 992 ENDURANCE CUP. We are honored that our company has become an official partner here. Uniform rules and uniform accessories then guarantee fair conditions in the race. RF200-FIA refuelling tanks and accessories under FIA regulation 257A, Annex “J” 252-7 and 257A-2.
All race participants then have the opportunity to purchase additional equipment that meets the FIA regulations from our company through CREVENTIC, direct purchase from us and our official distributors. These are mainly the CWU-300 fuel weighing system, DumpCan DC-9C hose drain tanks for PP20M type valves. Alternatively, replacement FUELFLEX38 fill and vent hoses, camlocks, R38 retractable clams and other accessories.